Tag Archives: bad mood

I’ve made a little list

I have so many things running through my mind at the moment, most of them not too great, so I thought that, in the style of Gilbert & Sullivan, I will make a little list of things that piss me off and hopefully that way I can let some of it go, for I’m sure that none of them will be missed.
  • SA Parliament. Can they get anymore unprofessional and childish?
  • Work. Why is everything such a mess all of a sudden? Processes that used to work suddenly is being ignored and we are bombarded with emails telling us to remember things, that we will NEVER remember
  • Certain colleagues who suddenly think things do not apply to them and need special treatment or do not have to follow any processes any more
  • This constant headache that just does not seem to go away
  • My shit internet connectivity. How is it possible to be ok one week and the next week all you get is Edge even though it says you have full signal. I just don’t understand
  • Dealing with call centres. Especially (and almost exclusively) to get shit internet sorted out
  • People who do not download complete seasons of Series. Seriously, be cool and just check that you have all the episodes. I know I should be grateful that I can copy your shit, but seriously I am assuming at some stage you would also want to watch it and good luck piecing together what happened in the missing episodes
  • Contestants on Reality TV shows who cry in front of the judges
  • The fact that everyone interviewed on these competition shows have seriously soppy stories. Nobody can just be a great performer, or singer or whatever it is they do. They all have had to go through some shitty ordeal. This might in fact be the thing that pisses me off the most.
  • People who starts playing a song and then skip it after 30 seconds, and then do the same to the next song and the next and the next. Seriously, pick a song and play it. How difficult is that?
  • People who compare Harry Potter and Twilight. Seriously, they are 2 completely separate and different stories. The only thing they have in common is that they are both book series and written by female authors.
  • When they carry on making more seasons of a series even though the story lines are depleted and most of the original cast has left the show, just because it is a cash cow. Grey’s Anatomy, I’m looking at you in particular, but not exclusively
  • This new fad of splitting movies into 2 or 3 parts to make more money, and then making us wait a whole year before releasing the next installment. I get it, Hollywood, you are a greedy bastard, but have you ever heard of double features? So how about making your damn multiple movies, keeping them until they are all done and then releasing them all together. Happy audiences and tons of money for you. It’s a win/win situation
  • People who create memes and then spell something wrong on them, then they get retweeted, repinned and spread around. Seriously? You made the effort to do all that, but it was just too much further effort to hit spellcheck?