Tag Archives: looking back

2015 in a flash


So we are coming to the end of yet another year, and it seems that time are just speeding up with every day that passes. I have just finished setting up my christmas tree, and was thinking of the year that is basically over and the year that is yet to come.

Glancing back over 2015, it was overall quite a good year for me. Sure, I had some crappy spots;  I got seriously sick with the flu for the first time in years and I basically lost my best friend, yet besides that, I have had a good year.

  • I managed to go to Cape Town on holiday for a whole week, my first holiday in ages and we had wonderful weather and mostly it was a good week
  • I attended 2 weddings. Not that weddings are actually something I enjoy going to, but I suppose the happiness of others can also count towards the good times for 2015, and there were no funerals this year. It’s all about balance
  • I made an amazing new best friend and she moved into the same place where I am staying, so yay for friends in close proximity
  • I have been very social this year with a lot of impromptu braais and drinking sessions in the lapa. I even ended up at a strip club at 4am one morning (don’t ask)
  • I got an extra bonus at work, although it was for the consultant who logged the most calls, every cent was much needed and quickly spent, sadly
  • I saw Sweeny Todd at Pieter Toerien’s Theatre, and I swear it was one of the best productions ever. Even after all this time, it still stays with me. I also saw Little Shop of Horrors and went to Madame Zingara twice. So, a good year for shows, all in all
  • I am way behind on my reading goals for this year, only managing 58 of the 75 books I wanted to read, but if you take all the socialising into consideration, that is not bad all at. And there is always next year
  • I have finally found a way to get most of my furniture in my house organised in such a way that I have more space and do not feel so crowded anymore
  • My Le Creuset collection is coming along nicely, next year I will look at saving up and getting some of the larger and more expensive pieces

In a nutshell, these are the things that came to mind today, I am sure there are many other things I have forgotten for the moment, but the important thing is that I am in a much happier space now than I was last year this time, and that is all that counts in the end.